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GS Ride

I took part in one of Max Stratton's famous GS rides last Sunday. I've ridden with MAx and some of the group twice before - once on a GS ride and the other in the Jimmy Lewis class. This one was a welcome change from the last two - as there was a wonderful lack of mud. Mud is something that they grow in abundance in HN and Maine.

If you have never heard of these rides, basically a bunch of riders bring their bikes, mostly BMW of the GS 1150 and F650GS variety, and take them where they really should not go. Trails that are made for trail bikes. It makes for a great outing, fun riding and much entertainment.

We left the dealership at 9:30 and rode up to the Sanford area via pavement, and then hit the trails. When I wentt on the last ride, I had 17/42 gearing on the Adventure 640, and when I got back, I asked Grethcen to not let me go on another of those rides with the 17 tooth sprocket on the front.

Well, she didn't need to remind me, as I remembered, vaguely, that I should change the sprocket, but laziness prevailed and I left it on the bike. Big mistake. It is just too hard to control the speed up and down hills with the higher gearing. Lesson learned! As the day wore on, I found that I was spending way too much energy keeping the bike going at the right speed and in the right direction - something that is much easier when I have had the 15 tooth sprocket on the front. Towards the end of the day several of us tackled a set of stepped ledges and large rocks, with dirt inbetween, rising to a nice view at the top of a hill. I fell once on the way up, and took a nice header on the way down. Picking up a 340 lbs bike, when the handlebars are lower then the wheels, and you have no traction, is no fun. It is even less fun at the end of a long day's riding!

I shamelessly stole this pic and the one at the top from Ilya. Thanks! Oh, and thanks to Gordon for helping me get out of this mess!

Anyways, we had a great time, and I was thoroughly whipped when I got home at 6pm. You can check out some more pics and dialog at the Adv Rider site! posted by Ilya.