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Day 5: Whitehorse to Skagway

If you look at a map, the road from Whitehorse to Skagway is about 100 miles. We took a longer route, after the morning TSD, by going up into the hills around Whitehorse for a great 45 mile off-road excursion.

This was most of the ride we did on 2002, but with 14 riders, double the amount, things got a bit protracted. Michael O'Keefe hit a large rock with his foot at some speed on the trail, and did number on his foot. He rode the bike out, something I find amazing, for five hours before the doctor in Skagway pronounced that he had broken a bone, one of the bones leading to the second toe. He is going to get a ride back to Whitehorse tomorrow and fly home to get orthopedic attention.

We also had two bike fail during the ride, luckly, neither was a participants. Michael Stram was riding a rented KLR and it would not start after a stream crossing. And then Jamie Gleason on his 400 KLX, who was guiding us, cracked an engine case. Instead of towing the bike out with another, Jeff Brisendine pushed Jamie out by putting his foot on the passenger beg of the smaller bike, while he rode his big KTM 950. They did this for about 1.5 miles on sandy trails, luckly mostly flat. I have a great pciture, but I cannot post as I am using a public computer at the hotel.

Well, It is 10:40 pm, and we have a long day tomorrow, so that is it for tonight. I realize that I will need to really fill in the story when I get home, there is som much to tell!

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