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Bike Changes

This may come as a shock, but I sold my trusty KTM. Not sure exactly why, and I do have some pangs of regret. I guess I just really wanted to try something different. Part of this decision had to do with the differences in the riding area around where we moved.

In Massachusetts, there are lots of great offroad areas that are within a few hours ride. Here in the triangle area, those areas are for the most part farther. The closest is Uwharrie State park. I rode out there last spring, but all I found were 4x4 trails that were carved out by over use into lots and lots of whoops, in hard clay and occasional sand. Not my idea of fun.

There is also a lack of gravel roads here - I really was surprised to find this, and perhaps I just need to find out where they are. Up north I was 1.5 hours away from Vermont, with lots of great unpaved roads, and even closer to some roads in New Hampshire. I guess I was after something a bit more road oriented, and a up on power. And affordable.

So I bought a bike that I have owned before, the bike that I got when I got back into riding around 1997 - a Ducati E900 Elefant. My old one was a 1995 in blue:
and the "New One":

, this one is a 1994 in maroon. I found a very nice example, with lots of work done, in Kansas, City. Back in April, I flew out and rode it back. The previous two owners both took exceptional care of the bike, including fairly detailed records of maintenance - crucial to me as the bike had just under 30,000 miles. Of course, this is not something "different", as I owned one previously. When I got my first E900, I was just getting back into riding - after a 10 year hiatus. I did not have any off-raod experience, and, well, I figured out very quickly that I was not going to get any good offroad experieces on a 900 cc, 420lb ducati-engined adventure bike.

Will I ride this in the 2006 Alcan?? I think so, but there are some things that I need to fix before I feel confident that it would work well for the task. The mechanicals themselves are exceptionally good - It was well taken care of. Most of the electrical system, a known problem on these bikes, were upgraded before I took ownership. Since then, I have replaced the regulator, and put in performance coils, wires and plugs. The bike runs wonderfully, with none of the snatchiness and hesitation I remember from the previous bike.

What I need to rectify is ergonomics and comfort. The previous owner switched the handlebars to Renthal fat bars, which while very nice, are 2-3 inched further forward, being a fairly flat bend. I cannot get my body nearly as close as I could with the KTM, something I think really helped with control and confidence when the surface turned rough.

The seat is another thing that needs to be changed, but that is a easy fix, abit expensive. I am less thatn thrilled about the wheels, the first owner chaged the rims to the same width as a BMW GS, much wider than stock. Great for riding with street tires, he did it so that he could have access to a larger street tire selection. I long for a 21' front and 18' read, instead of the 19'/17' combo now on the bike. I am gong to try and get used to them, but a rim change might be in order.

Finally, the rear shock is an Ohlins, but with none of the plushness I am used to. I need to spend some "quality time" working on the settings, and perhaps getting it rebuit to my weight and needs.

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